We had our first spring thunderstorm this evening, right at bedtime, and Owen was scared. I had to hold him and sit in the rocking chair until he fell asleep. (Yeah, tough job).
The thing is, I love thunderstorms. Or maybe I should say I find them fascinating. I surely haven't loved a flooded basement, or the time lightning struck my pear tree and took part of it down and I had to borrow a chainsaw, or even this evening's, when I only had the storm but most of my family 50 miles south was under a tornado watch...but I digress. It's just that I could sit at the window and watch the weather for the duration of a good storm.
I thought Owen might share my enthusiasm -- "Look Owen! Lightning!" Wrong. Instead, he cried and demanded "Up! Up!" out of bed, and
hold me, Mommy, because I do not like this!