We've been home for a week and two days. In some ways, it feels like we just got back; in other ways, it feels like we left Vietnam a month ago. Our days are so chock-full.
Owen is doing great. He's a different kid every day, getting more and more comfortable with his surroundings and with us.
In the past week, he's:
- Had his first Maryland blue crabs -- but perhaps not his first crabs. He was sucking meat out of cracked claws like he'd been doing it all his life.
- Learned to blow kisses. Grandma was a goner on that one.
- Visited Norm's Beer & Wine, where his parents found Tiger Beer, which they enjoyed so much in Vietnam, and he enjoyed his first Old Dominion Brewery product (don't worry -- root beer).
- Been to Target -- three times.
- Started sleeping more through the night and having fewer night terrors.
- Learned to love bath time.
- Started playing jokes on Mom, like jumping out from behind the car, or offering a bit of food and then pulling his hand away at the last second.
I'm learning to live with food on my clothing at all times, constant backache from picking him up and putting him down 367 times a day, and very little sleep, but I wouldn't have it any other way. There are times when I'm positively giddy with happiness.
I can't believe I was ever concerned about adopting a toddler instead of an infant -- you get to so much good stuff right away. I love watching him figure something out, even if it's how to get into something he shouldn't be getting into or how to work the Tivo remote. I love hearing him pick up new words -- he got "moon" right away last night. I love how he threads his arm through mine when I pick him up. He laughs a lot, and it's the best sound ever.
He's come such a long ways from the frightened little boy he was just a few weeks ago. He hardly seems like the same kid.
I'm so happy for you!
Actually Grandma was a goner when she saw the first picture of Owen. But he is more wonderful every time we see him. He is charming,smart,handsome,and the most amazing grandchild we've seen since Scott, Caitlyn and Renee'.
Owen Loc is absolutely precious & denifitely a mama's boy. I tried to convince him to let me hold him and I thought by speaking to him in Vietnamese he'd let me. I'm pretty sure he understood me & looked surprised (to hear Vietnamese) & amused, BUT "No, thanks! I just want my mommy!"
I'm so glad he's adjusted so quickly to his new life & everyone's having a great time. Fyi, Thao is going back to Phan thiet next week & she'll tell nanny Dao how great Loc is doing.
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