Owen's first Christmas with us was great. Yes, he was spoiled rotten with gifts and stuffed with candy and cookies. He learned the words Santa, snowman, and candy cane, although he doesn't really get what this is all about. He did catch on to opening presents pretty quickly.
We took him to the Mormon Temple's light display a couple days after Christmas, and he was in awe. "Lights! lights! lights!" And he has become skilled in turning on our outdoor music-n-light extravaganza that his dad rigged (and turning up the volume).
One of his favorite gifts is a mini John Deere "hayride" tractor with five seats for the farmer, a pig, a sheep, a horse, and a cow. It makes animal noises and plays music. He loves to push it on the floor, but he always has the pig in the driver's seat. Not sure what that's all about -- maybe he knows how smart pigs are.
He's spent a lot of time with family over the holidays, including time with his big brother and time at the Smith Family holiday party. He's doing great with big crowds and getting to know his extended family.
But he also got knocked low with a cold and fever, starting on Christmas Day. He's still got a runny nose, and he hasn't been sleeping well (3-hour screaming fit last night, anyone?). We're hanging in there on little sleep ourselves, and now I've come down with what he has.
But it has been a nice holiday season. And tonight we'll be ringing in the year with the little guy.
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