Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back to work

I'm almost through my first week back at work.

I can't say I'm very happy about it, but I'm settling in. This has been a huge transition for me. I miss all my "Owen time" during the day. The evenings are too short.

But Owen is doing great at home with his dad. They wave good-bye to me in the morning, and then do guy stuff all day. They've been to Ikea, they've worked on our big kitchen remodeling project, and today they baked a pie. Okay, maybe that last one wasn't guy stuff, but the pie was damn yummy!

This morning, for the first time, when Owen woke up, he called out, "Daddy! Mommy!" instead of just asking for me. That was great. This is going to be a wonderful few weeks of bonding for him and Ray.

Mommy, on the other hand, will have to adjust.

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