Sunday, August 3, 2008

In Transit with Chucky

We've made it to Taipei.

Wow, a whole 3.5 hours into our trip.

Loc woke up on the wrong side of the crib this morning and has pretty much screamed nonstop until we were halfway across the South China Sea. Nothing is making him happy right now. We've got an almost-4-hour layover here, so I hope he perks up and is in a better mood for the next leg. Otherwise, we might dump him with Red in San Francisco and come on home by ourselves.

Just kidding!

Our airport taxi was 15 minutes late this morning, causing me conniptions, but the driver drove like a maniac and we got to the airport just after another family who left 15 minutes earlier. Our last views of Hanoi were blurs accompanied by horns.

So far, everything's on schedule, so we should be arriving in San Francisco at 4 p.m. on Sunday. Which is weird because it's 4 p.m. on Sunday right now. We lose 12 hours, poof, just like that.

Okay, my bags are unattended outside the Internet room because Ray is off with Loc dealing with a meltdown, so I have to run. See you all very soon.

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