Saturday, July 26, 2008

Loc's Saigon Aunts

We had a wonderful lunch and outing today with Titi's friends. Trang, Nguyet, Nguyet's daughter Be Sua, and Oanh met us at the hotel and whisked us in a cab to Ngoc Suong Marina, the best seafood restaurant in Saigon. We had a feast of seafood delicacies. Loc was a little hesitant at first, but warmed up to his new Saigon aunts, who took turns walking him around the restaurant. Nguyet had great success feeding him congee after we had finished our lunch. Then he dove into the longan fruits for dessert. He enjoyed them so much that Trang had the leftovers boxed up for him for a treat for later. He was very well-behaved at the restaurant and was even smiling and laughing on the ride back to the hotel. With all the excitement, he's now sleeping off his big outing.

What a wonderful day. We cannot say enough about the hospitality shown to us by these ladies who only know us through Titi, mom to Brian back in the US and fellow client at our adoption agency. They went to high school with Titi here in Saigon, so she was kind enough to make the introduction. To see Saigon with people who live here and be treated to lunch and a nice afternoon by them was priceless. We would never have this kind of experience on our own as American tourists.

Titi, if you're reading this, please let your friends know that we will email them photos when we get home. The Internet connection here is very slow for emailing large files.

Pictured from top to bottom are: the group; Trang; Nguyet; Oanh; and Be Sua. New friends in Saigon!


Ron and Cilla said...

I hope you told Trang and Minh Nguyet the URL of this website, so they can follow along for the rest of your trip. Great pictures. Greetings to Danny Phi's Saigon Aunts, his Ham Tan bunk mate and Loc's parents.

Unknown said...

Excellent restaurant behavior! Can't wait to take him to Costa Verde for trucha frita and yuca!!
Aunt Melon

Janie and Ronnie said...

What a wonderful experience especially being able to see some of his heritage. That hat is just to much, he's so adorable you could just eat him up. It's great he has warmed up to ya'll so quick, he's young he can adjust just fine, but it's his big family back home thats gonna be the real test. Love You guys. Janie and Ronnie

titi said...

Awesome!!! So glad y'all had a good time. Very nice to see my friends with Loc. Nguyet, former principal, oversees education in one SG district, so she's been around kids for many years and they love her. My friends think you two make great parents, Loc will have a very bright future and no doubt he loves his mommy and daddy.

Partially potty-trained. Well-behaved. Hmmm, I wish I could say the same thing a/b Brian. His latest "talent" is to remove his diaper & shorts and run around the house naked (sigh!). He definitely has a lot to learn from Loc.

Thanks a lot for the beautiful photos. Would love to see more pix of the chipmunk but I know how slow the Internet is over there.

PS: I already emailed my friends & let them know what you said.

Unknown said...

Congrats to Ray and Bonnie and Loc! Barb and I just got back from toronto and are catching up on your adventures. Loc is a cutie. Get home safe.

Dr Bob