Wednesday, July 16, 2008

'Twas the night before departure

We leave tomorrow. It still doesn't seem real. This time tomorrow night, we'll be landing in San Francisco and starting a long layover before the flight to Taipei.

What a long day. I didn't get home from work until 9. I still have a lot of packing to do. Right now, everything's in one incredibly heavy suitcase. Tomorrow morning, we get out the luggage scale and start redistributing. I think we'll have one entire duffel bag o' snacks. Ray's still looking for a tripod or stand for his camera and has to get his prescriptions filled, and I've got to pull a few more things together. Extra contact lenses, headphones, cash, hairbrushes. Plus a few more emails to send.

My co-workers threw me a shower today. Make-your-own-sundae bar and cake -- what could be better? I got a stuffed Horton and some Dr. Seuss books, and a very generous donation for the orphanage. When I was asked about a shower, I said that instead of a gift, I'd be honored if my colleagues would help the Ham Tan orphanage provide for the children who won't be joining families. Boy, did they respond. They really are a wonderful, caring group of people, and I'm fortunate to work with them. I'm looking forward to posting photos from the orphanage so that they can see some of the kids who will benefit from their kindness.

It's going to be weird, being off from work for a while. I keep wondering if I'll think about what's going on, or if I'll be so absorbed that it'll be a distant memory by Saturday.

It's after 11, and I still have to take out the trash and a make a list of all the things I need to get together tomorrow. And then hit the hay, my last chance to sleep in a bed for a couple of days. Ugh, the flight is going to be so long. But I'm almost at my destination.

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