Monday, July 28, 2008

Shopping Day

We're beat. We had a long day in Hanoi, where it's HOT. And we had a long morning with a very unhappy boy who woke up in yet another room and another city. He had just gotten to the point where he didn't scream in our room in Saigon, and we pulled another switcheroo on him. So, last night was loooong trying to get him to sleep, and then this morning was rough. He was generally unhappy and screamed for a couple hours and was back to needing all his comfort items with him.

But he rallied for our shopping trip with some of the other moms and Thao, who did our bargaining for us. And boy did we get bargains, like silk scarves for 3 bucks. Gorgeous stuff here.

Loc stayed in the Hip Hammock the whole shopping trip, from shop to shop, and was very chill and flirted with all the shopgirls. Maybe that's why we got bargains.

After a nice long nap for him and Dad, we headed out to walk around the lake. Way too hot, but it was interesting. Hanoi is so different from Saigon, so much like France in its architecture.

We had dinner at a Thai place, and now it's off to bed. Loc needs to make a good impression at his Embassy interview tomorrow. Wish us luck -- this is the last step in his paperwork.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your interview. We're always glad to read your blogs. The time is ticking down & soon you'll be home & Loc can get settled in his own room & get into a routine without a new "home" every few days. He'll be forever home & we can spoil him and love him. We're going to your house tomorrow to cut the grass & hang the new curtains in his room, etc. Love to all of you--Mom

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow!

Janie and Ronnie said...

Good Luck tomorrow on your interview, I'm sure you all will do just fine. I know Loc will be glad to get home to his own room.
You guys have been so great sharing all of this with all of us, it just great, great, great! Soon you will be home and can relax and not worry about what and where you will have to go the next day (yeh right not with a 2 yr old)!Love you, Ronnie and Janie

Unknown said...

I've been trying to post comments, but don't seem to have the hang of this since my comments don't show up.If you see this and have some hints on how to post, please advise. Loc is just adorable. We wonder if we'll ever see him without that hat! Not that we'd necesessrily want to.

This is the story of a lifetime. We both greatly admire your adventure and can hardly wait to see y'all back here in the DC area. And when will that be???

Love, Brad and Kathleen

We're trying to tune in to the blog every day...

Ginny and Nick said...

We've got our fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly for you tomorrow. You'll be on your way home before you know it and then the fun begins!
Ginny and Nick