Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some things about Loc

Here are a few more things we're learning about Loc, in addition to his chipmunk habits.

* The Bling. We had seen his little silver bracelet in his photos, but he's also wearing a silver chain around his neck. Neither of these pieces have clasps or hooks, and they were obviously put on when he was much smaller. There's no way either are coming off now without being cut off.

Which we are NOT going to do any time soon.

* His comfort objects. He's been through a lot in the past few days, so it helps him to keep the following things on or with him at all times. The minute one is missing, it's panic city. They are: a pink baseball cap; a little washcloth (thankfully, the orphanage gave us four of these, because the first two are pretty filthy by now); his rotting-on-his-feet faux Tommy Hilfiger sandals; Ray's camera tripod, which he became enamored with from Day 1.

* His fastidiousness. See washcloth, above. When he drinks or eats, he wipes his little face with the washcloth. Spill water or milk or food on his clothes? Out comes the washcloth for a quick wipedown. I noticed the nanny telling him to wipe his face after every sip, and now it's learned behavior.

* His many, many fans. Today, Troy and Christine and Ray and I and the two boy babies took a trip to the supermarket/department store in downtown Phan Thiet for some supplies and new shoes for Loc (see above. His orphanage shoes were totally falling apart to the point where he couldn't walk in them anymore, so we risked buying two new pair, which seem to be working just fine -- I was worried it was the Tommy Hilfiger's or nothing). Anyways, I let Ray run into the grocery store part for some bottled water while I walked Loc around the ground floor, which was a series of shops and stalls. He caused quite a commotion. Shopgirls came rushing out to see him, and within minutes I was surrounded by the girls from the nail salon, the luggage store, and the boutique, who were all trying to hold him or tickle him. They were peppering me with questions in very limited English, but we got the basic point across. Yes, he's Vietnamese; he's almost 2; I'm his mommy; I'm American. They were all happy for him and for me.

We're getting a head start on being a conspicuous family over here. I know when we come back, people might stare every now and then to see two white people with an Asian baby, but over here, we get stared at all the time. I think partly because we're pretty tall compared to the rest of the population. Everyone is so nice and wonderful. We get the biggest smiles and hellos wherever we go.

* He doesn't like car rides. Whimper, whimper, whimper the minute he gets in the van. And we have a 3-hour trip tomorrow.

* He's partially potty-trained. JACKPOT!

Tonight wasn't too bad. He fussed a little at bedtime, but I actually got him to sleep without the hysterics of last night. Now he's sleeping like an angel in one of the t-shirts Aunt Roberta gave him while Ray re-organizes our luggage. Tomorrow, we check out early and head back to Saigon, where we'll apply for his passport and go to the Cho Ray Hospital for his US medical evaluation. So, a long day of traveling and paperwork ahead of us.

It was so nice to read so many comments today (in between the power going on and off here).


Unknown said...

Yippee! It's official! I am going to see if I can find him a drum when I go to Nigeria next week so he can focus on that rather then stuffing his cheeks!
Aunt Melon

Melinda said...

That child needs a ball to play with - rain check from Auntie Melinda! Congratulations on parenthood at last!


Velvet_Elvis said...

Rock on, world travelers! Glad the G & R went well.

Partially potty trained! What a nice surprise. Keep safe and can't wait to meet the little guy.


Unknown said...

Wonderful stuff. I predict Loc will continue to have fans for two reasons: he's a stone-cold looker, and nobody has ever seen a boy handling a wash cloth with such authority. I've certainly never seen it in my house with my college student boys. Best wishes and safe travels!

amy said...

wow, what a kid.
know you know your going to have to have another 'shower' when you get home so all of us that want to buy him a really cool toy will have a really good excuse to do so.